A Simple Guide
How Haelan Conquers Cancer
Cancer's Army
1. Angiogenisis - requires oxygen and a blood supply to the cancer cell.
2. Carcinogens damage DNA.
3. Anti-apoptosis - unchecked cancer cell growth. Cancer cells multiply and form tumors.
4. Weakens healthy cells thus diminishing cyto-toxic effect of body's natural NK Killer cells.
5. Suppresses immune system's natural ability to kill and dispose of foreign proteins such as cancer.
6. Mitosis - individual cancer cells have a growth rate called a "doubling effect". Some are very fast and some are slow.
Haelan's Army
1. Anti-angiogenisis - stops supply of oxygen and blood to cancer cell.
2. Isoflavones repair and stop DNA damage.
3. Induces apoptosis (cell death) - restores cell damage and restores programmed cell death cycle. Cancer cells then die.
4. Boosts potency of cell's cyto-toxic compound (NK Killer cells.)
5. Boosts immune system's ability to engulf, digest, and remove (dispose) cellular debris including cancer. (700% increase.)
6. Anti-mitosis - Slows the cancer growth rate and delays the onset of cancer allowing more time for the other anti-cancer mechanism's to go into action to eradicate cancer.
7. Produces beneficial metabolites (MTD-13) which induce cell death.
8. Increases production of interlukens thereby improving overall body functioning.
9. Reduces level of carcinogenic estrogens called 4 Hydroxyestrogens and 16 Hydroxyestrogens which damage DNA. Studies show 81% decrease in bad estrogens.