My Story
Why Haelan "Hopeless No More"?
My name is Steve Becker and since 1992 when my father died from colon cancer I have been haunted by the memory of his slow, painful death. I have never reconciled with the reality that a strong, healthy man with many good years left in his life could deteriorate in such a short time before my very eyes. Because of a family history of cancer I anticipated that the likelihood of me having it in my lifetime was quite probable, unless I headed it off in advance.
Subsequently I have spent years reading and researching everything I could get my hands on, both
conventional as well as alternative medicine looking for ways to reduce my own chances and my family's chances of getting cancer.
As a result I have adopted various food and nutritional regimens along the way to enhance my overall health.
Two years ago I came across a small article by renown medical journalist, Dr. Morton Walker about Haelan 951 and subsequently had the opportunity to go to Seattle to meet with Haelan President, Joe Todesco and Founder, Walter Wainright, who can be seen on the video link.
They supplied me with a stack of research studies, articles, publications, and DVD lectures presented by
Walter Wainright to various medical societies from around the world. I took them home and pored through them and I was struck by the fact that this unheralded, under publicized product was rescuing people from the abyss, not here and there, but consistently. It was not a fluke but a well researched, scientifically documented explanation of the chemical compounds of the fermented soy beverage that made sense. This was truly a modern David and Goliath story that had yet to be told.
If you simply take the time to look at some of the research that you can access from this web site you don't have to have a degree in chemistry to understand the extraordinary benefits that are available to very sick people, especially those with cancer, even late stage patients.
During the course of the past two years I have made it a point to call on and visit the Haelan corporate office in Seattle many times, eager to learn of any new developments and hungry to understand why it is so difficult to make more people aware of it's amazing benefits. It frustrates me that 99.9% of the world is looking in predetermined directions for answers that are toxic, expensive, with limited success and yet just around the corner more effective, non-toxic, less costly treatment is available.
Knowing my passionate interest in Haelan, Joe Tedesco has encouraged me to promote Haelan here in Atlanta and anywhere I am in contact with those in need.
I feel blessed and grateful to be associated with this company and this product. My purpose is to help educate people about Haelan, what it is, how it works, and advocate it as a adjuvant therapy or stand alone therapy for those diagnosed, suffering from cancer, or going through chemotherapy.
I am here to help people who thought they could never resume the life they once enjoyed and through Haelan it is very, very possible. That is why this website is called "Haelan - Hopeless No More".
Please, if you or a loved one or a friend or co-worker or even an acquaintance is struggling with cancer, direct them to this website and to me. There is an excellent chance they may be able to really beat it and regain their quality of life.
To good health,
Steve Becker M.Ed., Ed.S.