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1. U.S. Research Reports: The Therapeutics of Soybean Phytochemicals,

 A collection of international research demonstrates the value of using the Biological Response
 Modifier capabilities of soybean phytochemicals as adjuvant nutrition to eliminate protein calorie
 malnutrition... and to support, extend and improve the quality of life for patients with cancer,
 cachexia, leukemia, HIV (AIDS), and other chronic diseases where the inducement of non-toxic
 immunostimulation, anti-angiogenesis, and anti-viral serum conditions are beneficial to the patient.

 The complete document is 140 pages in length.

 Go to or call US Research Reports at tollfree (800) 533-9660 and request a copy.


2. Townsend Letter for Doctors: Surviving Cancer with Fermented Soy by 
 Vjaya Nair, MD, FAMS, MS, 11/2004,

Dietary Supplementation with Fermented soy Nutraceutical, Haelan951 in Patients who survived
Terminal Cancers. Seven case studies including 1)infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast,
2) infiltrating ductal carcinoma with history of lymphangitic spread, metastases to skin, lungs, 
bronchi, pericardium and bones, 3) poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder,
4) myeloproliferative disorder, 5) follicular lymphoma, grade 2, 6) prostate cancer, 7) infitrating 
adenocarcinoma of the prostate.

Conclusion: Significant benefits are associated with the dietary supplementation of fermented soy
such as Haelan 951 for patients diagnosed with cancers, either alone or in conjunction with conventional 


3. Haelan Stabilization of Platinum Resistant Ovarian Cancer, Massachusetts
 General Hospital, May 2005


4. The Effect of Fermented Soy on Blood Hematology and Cachexia in Cancer
Patients, Uwe Rohr, MD, PhD, MED 19Medical Center, Austria, Walter 
Wainright, Haelan Research Foundation


5. Effects of Combined Treatment with Haelan 951 and Doxorubicin on the Breast 
Cancer Cell Line BT474, Doris Bachg, MD, PhD and Uwe Haselhorst, MD, Germany


6. The Effects of Haelan 951 as monotherapy and as a combined treatment with
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) chemotherapy on invasive ductile carcinoma breast
cancer cell line BT 474, Haelan Research Foundation


7. Haelan 951 Improves Results of Chemotherapy / Radiation Treatments, Karmanos
Cancer Institute, Wayne State University School of Medicine


8. Go to www.haelanresearchfoundation.comThis is a complete list of all 
research and studies conducted on Haelan 951



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