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The strong case for Haelan 951:

In order to judge for yourself the true benefit of this product it is important to understand the following:

1. What does the National Cancer Institute say in regard to  
    Haelan's essential compounds?
2. How is Halean 951 grown and manufactured?
3. How is it different than soy products that are currently
    commercially available in the U.S.?
4. What are the chemical components that have made it so
    effective in it's dramatic healing properties?
5. How does Haelan fight cancer cells and eliminate them?


What does the National Cancer Institute say in regard to Haelan's essential compounds?
In 1989 the National Cancer Institute (NCI) conducted a five year $20 million study of fruits and vegetables to determine the five most effective classes of anti-cancer compounds. All were found to be in soybeans!In 1990 another $2.9 million dollars were spent investigating these five compounds; isoflavones, pro-tease inhibitors, phytosterols, saponine, and phytic-acid compounds.The NCI published a copy of its report in the April, 1991 issue of the National Journal of Cancer, titled: Commentary: The Role of Soy Products in Reducing Cancer Risks.

How is Haelan different from soy products sold in the U.S.?

Since then more than 9,000 studies have been done on soy itself and many show drawbacks to unfermented soy. People unknowingly read this and mistakenly don't differentiate between fermented and unfermented soy.It is essential to the reader to understand from the start, that most soy sold commercially here in the U.S. is unfermented and not remotely similar to Haelan 951, which is fermented using patented processes. So when soy research is tauted either good or bad be sure to clarify, which soy is being referred to, otherwise you could easily fall prey to misconceptions and perhaps dismiss the profound benefit that is easily available.


How did Haelan originate and how is it produced?

Over 20 years ago a Chinese nutritionist working in hospitals in China wanted to provide maximum nutrition to patients to strengthen them enough to be properly treated for their various medical conditions.Trial and error research was performed substituting one food for another. Consistently it was found that soybeans were the most nutritious food item and that the most beneficial components were isoflavones, protease inhibitors, saponins, phytosterols, and inositol hexaphosphate (phytate).

Years of working involving Chinese medical doctors and research nutritionists continued, resulting in improvements in four areas:

1) Selection of the soybeans,

2) Selection of the geographical growth area,

3) selection of the soybeans by age, and

4) processing of the beans to

   a) produce beneficial dietary metabolites with the valuable micronutrients through fermentation,

   b) improve digestion and assimilation of the nutrients, and

   c) to insure that the nutrients were not destroyed in the processing.


There are literally more than 10,000 species of soy and research indicates they are not all equal.
Through research the most nutritious soy specie was selected for Haelan to guarantee maximum nutrition.

The geographical area itself can effect the nutritional value up to 50% because of the mineral content of the soil. You can have the right specie of soybean but the wrong soil. Haelan's geographical growth area is mineral rich and has the highest nutritional value.


The actual age of the soybean can effect the nutritional value up to another 50%. Haelan's soybeans are handpicked at the most nutritious time to insure maximum value.


Finally, the handling, preparation, and fermentation process was fine tuned over many years to enhance the potency of the five compounds and provide intense nutrition to patients severely compromised by their disease. Manufacturing occurs in China in two modern manufacturing facilities incorporating high tech processes. A patented low temperature fermentation process and other "trade secrets" pre-digest the soybean and make it more absorbable. By purposely using a very low temperature, starches and sugars are eliminated from the soy beverage. This is crucial to cancer patients since cancers thrive on sugars and starches.


How does Haelan fight cancer cells and eliminate them?

Haelan both helps to prevent and treat cancer using the following ten mechanisms:


1. Anti-angiogenisis

Both cancer cells and healthy cells require a constant flow of blood which delivers oxygen and nutrients. If any cells are deprived of this blood supply it will go out and find an alternate blood source by excreting enzymes that dissolve nearby capillaries, causing the blood to flow to the deprived cell. This secondary vascular system, and it's new blood vessels is now created and fulfills the cancer cell's need for blood. This process of growing new blood vessels is called angiogenisis. Anti-angiogenisis, then, is the actual process of stopping the formation of these new blood vessels.

Haelan is anti-angiogenesistic and counters this abnormal blood vessel growth by shutting off the enzymes that cancer cells excrete that would normally dissolve the capillary walls and prevents the formation of the vascular system that would have been formed to supply the cancer cells and it's tumor formation. When this blood supply is shut off, the tumors shrink and die since their food supply is gone.


2. Restores Cell Differentiation

Carcinogens damage DNA daily. Fortunately this daily attack is tolerated by most people most of the time since chromosomes usually repair the damage within a fifteen minute time period. However, if the cellular damage is so great that it interferes with the chromosomal DNA repair process, the cell DNA damage is not repaired. It has been scientifically established that if the DNA damage is not repaired in two hours then it is unlikely to be repaired.

Haelan's isoflavones are very potent and have the ability to protect the DNA from damage in the first place and repair damage which has already occurred, thus reverting the non-normal cells back to a normal differentiated cell.


3. Induces Apoptosis

According to our body's normal biological clock, cells die by "apoptosis".
Prior to dying the cell creates an "offspring" which carries on the same cellular characteristics as the mother cell. Because of the cellular damage done by cancer cells, the biological clock is altered and cancer cells do not die but proliferate. So not only does the mother cancer cell not die, but the offspring inherit the same characteristics as the mother which includes a broken biological clock.

As a result of this cancer cell population explosion, tumors are formed.

Haelan repairs the cellular damage and as a by product of this repair restores the normal programmed cell death (apoptosis) and cells resume their normal biologically determined cell death cycle. Since all cells resume their death cycle, cancer cells cease to grow and consequently die off.


4. Increases the cyto-toxic effect of the NK Killer cells

Natural Killer cells (or NK cells) constitute a major component of the innate immune system. They play a major role in the rejection of tumors and cells infected by viruses. The cells kill by squirting or releasing small cytoplasmic granules of proteins called perforin and granzyme that cause the target cell to die by apoptosis or necrosis.

Only healthy cells develop NK Killer cells. Cancer cells do not. If the cyto-toxic compound is weak the NK Killer cells can only kill a few cancer cells. If the cytotoxic compound is strong, it can kill 60, 80, or even more than 100 cancer cells. Haelan increases the cytotoxic effect of the body's NK Killer cells.


5. Stimulates 700% increase in immunity

Large white blood cells called macrophages engulf and digest cellular debris, including cancer and other cells. Often called the "pac-man" of the body, this engulfment by a macrophange is known as "phagacytosis." These are the heavy artillery of the body that are hired to help the body fight, kill, and dispose of foreign proteins such as cancer cells.

Not all macrophage are active in a healthy body. "Active" means that the macrophage either moves or or has a phagacytosis. In healthy people usually 29% are active. The more a body's immune system is compromised by cancer, parasites, viral and bacterial wastes, the less active the macrophage is.

In studies with Haelan, malaria infected groups were treated with Haelan. The number of active macrophage was doubled, the phagacytosis rate was tripled, which produced over 400 macrophage engulfments per 1000 macrophage as compared to 60 engulfments per 1000 macrophage. This amounts to a 700% increase in macrophage phagacytosis which is extremely beneficial in killing and eliminating cancer cells from the body.


6. Slows down the growth of Cancers (Mitosis)

Cancer is like a ticking time bomb. Different cancers have different growth rates. Consequently there is a limited amount of time to treat it. This period of growth is referred to as the "doubling effect." For example, small cell lung cancer doubles every six days whereas non-small cell cancer cells double every 384 days. The faster the doubling effect the more aggressive the treatment must be to increase the chance of survival. The slower the doubling effect the more time there is for treatment and dietary intervention.

Halean delays this "doubling effect' because it has compounds that slow down the rate of cancer growth (Mitosis). By slowing it down it gives more time for the other mechanisms to work including anti-angiogenisis, apoptosis, immune stimulation, and other anti-cancer properties to eradicate any remaining cancer cells.

In a study with just one of the phytic-acid compounds in Haelan (inisotol hexaphosphate), rats were given cancer cells and measured how quickly tumors developed. With Haelan, the tumor's formation was delayed from 10 days to 25 days. At that point 60% of the cancer group were cancer free. The other 40% that continued to have the tumor were 1/25th the size of those in the untreated control group. When the study extended to five weeks 80% in the treatment group were cancer free and the remaining 20% with tumors were 1/49th the size of the tumors in the untreated control group.

Halean was able to not only slow down cancer's offensive but actually force it in to retreat.


7. Produces Beneficial Metabolites

One of the beneficial metabolites produced by Haelan's fermentation process is MDT-13, (13-methyltetradecanoic acid),a saturated branched-chain fatty acid. When isolated and tested in a meta-mouse model, MTD-13 produced 88% tumor shrinkage in 40 days on human prostate cancer; 66% tumor shrinkage in 40 days on human liver cancer and induced apoptosis starting in two hours in leukemia cells.


8. Increased Production of Interferons and Interlukens and improved Organ functioning

In a clinical study with 303 healthy people tested over a four month period it was found that Haelan increased the production of interferons, interlukens, increased the oxygen carrying content of the blood, balanced estradiol and sex hormones in men and women in addition to heart, lung, brain and other organ's functional capabilities. These overall improvements enhanced the body's ability to fight cancer.


9.Reduced Circulating Estrogen Levels and Balancing of Testosterone and Sex Hormones 

Haelan is a whole soy product that lowers the circulating estrogen levels 30 - 40% lower than women who do not eat a good whole soy product. Essentially there are "good" protective estrogen metabolites and "bad" carcinogenic estrogens. Haelan decreases the bad carcinogenic estrogens called 4-hydroxyestrogens and 16-hydroxyestrogens which can damage cellular DNA and cause breast, ovarian and other cancers.

At the same time it increases the levels of the "good" protective estrogen metabolites called 2-hydroxyestrogens. Studies have shown an 81% decrease in the "bad estrogens" for healthy women consuming the whole soy compounds of Haelan.


10.Estrogen Receptor Blocking

The soy phytoestrogens in Haelan, because of their similar configuration to human estrogen, have the desired effect of blocking estrogen receptor in hormone driven cancers such as breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers, which prevents human estrogen from binding to the estrogen receptor site.

Because the soy phytoestrogens are 1/100,000 times weaker than human estrogen, they do not cause cells to speed up their growth rate like human estrogens do. Tamoxifen's benefits are derived from this estrogen receptor blocking mechanism.

Research has shown that the effectiveness rate of Tamoxifen was 26%, soy isolate was 36%, and the two together were 62% effective in blocking estrogen receptor sites in breast tissue.

The reason the two are more effective together than individually is based on the fact that there are two estrogen receptor sites in breast tissue. These receptor sites are known as Alpha and Beta sites.
The Tamoxifen has a strong affinity for the alpha sites and soy isoflavones have a stronger affinity for the Beta site. As a result,when combined there is an overall better receptor site blocking of both Alpha and Beta receptor sites than either one individually.

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